Trusting Your Intuition:
A Guide from a Psychic Medium

Hey there, fellow spiritual adventurers! As a psychic medium, I spend a lot of time chatting with spirits, but today, I want to talk about chatting with another very special voice—your intuition.


Think of your intuition as your inner GPS, always ready to guide you, except it whispers in mysterious riddles instead of shouting directions. Let’s dive into some fun ways to crank up the volume and really tune into that inner guide.


What Exactly Is Intuition?


Imagine you have a wise old friend who only communicates via nudges, flashes of inspiration, or that funny feeling in your stomach right before you make a big decision. That’s your intuition! 


It’s less about thinking and more about feeling, and it transcends logic and reason to deliver deep truths. It’s that spontaneous yes or no that pops into your head when you’re deciding whether to binge-watch a new show or go out for a jog.


Intuition is actually the voice of your Higher Self; it’s the silent yet profound inner knowing that guides you towards your highest good. It’s not loud or demanding—rather, it’s a whisper or a nudge that directs you when you’re quiet enough to listen. 


spiritual intuition development


How to Enhance and Trust Your Intuition


Quiet Time is Fun Time: 


Okay, so maybe ‘quiet time’ sounds like a punishment for noisy kids, but it’s actually your secret weapon for intuition. Find a cozy spot, maybe pile up some cushions, and just chill. No phones, no gadgets, just you and your thoughts. It’s like meeting up with your intuition for a coffee date. 


Why is silence so important? 


Because your intuition works in whispers, not shouts, and you need to train yourself to recognize what it feels like. That is much easier to do when you clear out any clutter and noise that isn’t your intuition.


Play the Observation Game: 


As you go about your day, play a little game of noticing how often your gut feelings turn out to be right. Pay attention to recurring thoughts, feelings, and sensations. Notice the times when your heart leaps with joy or contracts with caution.


Took a spontaneous new route and discovered a fantastic little bakery? That’s your intuition saying, “I told you so!”

oracle cards, tarot cards, spiritual intuition development

Tarot Cards: Your Intuitive BFFs:


Tarot and oracle cards are like emojis for your soul. They help put a picture to those vague hunches you feel, and their symbolic images often bypass the logical brain and speak directly to the intuitive mind. By interpreting these symbols, you can unlock intuitions that are otherwise drowned out by the noise of the mind. 


They work not because they hold any supernatural power, but because they help you tap into your subconscious mind. Ask a question, draw a card, and see what insights emerge. Reflect on how these symbols might be speaking to your current situation or feelings.


A fantastic morning ritual is to pull a card and ponder how its message might relate to your upcoming day. It’s a bit like getting a sneak peek at the day’s possible plot twists.

Journal the Journey: 


Keep a log of your intuitive hits and misses. Whenever you make a decision based on a gut feeling, write it down, along with any action you took and the outcome.


Think of it as your personal adventure book, where you jot down the mysterious, the mundane, and the downright magical moments of following your intuition. Over time, you’ll start to see patterns in how your intuition speaks to you.


This practice validates your inner voice and strengthens your trust in it.

Dream Diaries are Not Just for Teens: 


Grab a dream journal and start recording those wild dream adventures. Your sleeping brain is like a nightly Netflix binge of intuitive insights. The more you log and reflect on your dreams, the more you’ll realize your intuition is working overtime while you snooze.

Dreams might communicate through bizarre, symbolic stories, but each element can offer a clue to deeper intuitive truths. Over time, you might start to decode this symbolic language, uncovering insights that are applicable to your waking life.

Leap and the Net Will Appear: 


This might be the most challenging step. Trusting your intuition means letting go of the need for logical certainty.


Start small—trust your intuition about trying a new lunch spot or buying that quirky t-shirt. As you rack up more ‘wins,’ your confidence will grow, and you’ll be ready to trust your gut on the bigger stuff, like job offers or relationships.

Why Embrace Your Intuitive Side?


Dialing into your intuition can turn life into a more serendipitous and joyful journey. You’ll start to feel more in tune with your decisions, more aligned with your actions, and you’ll probably find yourself smiling more often. 


Plus, it’s fun to feel like you’ve got an all-knowing friend who’s always got your back.


Remember, everyone has the capacity for intuitive insight. It’s not reserved for psychics or the spiritually gifted—it’s a universal gift that can be nurtured and developed. Trusting your intuition is an act of trusting yourself and the divine guidance that seeks to lead you towards your highest potential.


So, throw open the doors to your perception and let your intuition strut its stuff. It’s about enjoying the ride, trusting the process, and sometimes just going with what feels right. 


After all, life’s too short not to have a little fun with your inner psychic powers. 


Happy intuiting!

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Healing your inner child is a beautiful journey that leads to greater emotional health, self-acceptance, and fulfillment. By acknowledging and nurturing this vulnerable part of yourself, you can break free from past wounds and embrace a future filled with joy, creativity, and authentic connections. 

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