Reasons to Get an
Akashic Record Reading

Before we dive into why getting an Akashic Record Reading is an amazing and life-changing experience, let’s talk about what the Akashic Records actually are. The short answer is that they are an energetic library containing a record of every life every soul has ever lived and everything that has ever happened across all space and time.



When I first heard about this, well, let’s just say they had my little bookworm heart at “library.” Yet it’s important to remember that this library don’t exist on the physical plane. So when someone “visits” the Akashic Records, they are shifting their conscious awareness to the astral realm to make a spiritual connection with the vibration of the Akashic Records. 


Yes, I know. It’s a lot to unpack. But the more important thing to understand is what you actually do with the information in the Records. Because it goes so much deeper than just discovering you were a Hawaiian Kahuna or have shared 27 past lives with your best friend. 


Understand Your Soul Personality


To start, you can think of the information contained in your Akashic Records as the ultimate personality quiz. A reading allows you to understand who you are on a soul level, the gifts, energies, skills, and personality traits you take with you in every lifetime.


That is always my starting point when I access someone’s record for a reading. When you embrace and express who you are on a soul level with self-love, you operate at your highest vibration and feel more fulfilled and at peace.


Discover your Soul Purpose


This leads us to uncover your soul purpose and life path. Before each lifetime, our soul makes a plan for and how we will contribute to the planet, and this is usually tied to who we are on a soul level and how we want to grow. Having this information allows you to lead a more soul-aligned life where things go more smoothly. If knowing more about your soul purpose and plan sounds fascinating, I recommend Your Soul Has a Plan.


Identify your Life Lessons


When planning an incarnation, every soul chooses a primary life lesson and one or two secondary life lessons. In a reading, we can identify your life lessons, as well as how far you’ve progressed with each lesson. We don’t always have to learn the hard way, and understanding what those lessons are can help you to move through them with more ease, grace, and flow. It can also help you understand why you’ve experienced certain challenges in your life.


Understand Patterns in your Life


This can also lead to a recognizing and understanding patterns and challenges in your life. You might be carrying patterns from past lives into this life. Once identified, you can take the steps to heal and release those patterns, dissolve some of those challenges, and understand why they have appeared in your life in the first place.


Reveal your Intuitive Gifts


You can discover your intuitive gifts. Everyone is intuitive, but that can be suppressed. Some people’s strongest gift is clairvoyance while others is clairaudience. You might also be an empath. But there isn’t just one kind of empath – there are many, like plant empath, animal empath, even medical empath. Understanding what your gifts are can validate the experiences you’ve had, and give you the confidence to move forward in developing those gifts further. 


Supercharge your Self-Development


These are just some of the reasons that an Akashic Record Reading is a powerful self-development tool full of deep insights.


Many people spend so much time caught up in their day-to-day struggles and frustrations. They forget that we are all multi-dimensional, unlimited beings of light called souls.


If you want a great resource for easily understanding more about the Akashic Records, this is a great book.


An Akashic Record Reading can help you to make peace with yourself, your circumstances, and the world around you. It can give you a better understanding of why you are the way you are, and inspire you to take the next best steps to live a life you’ll love.


If you are interested in getting a reading, you can find out more and book a reading here

inner child healing

Healing Your Inner Child

Healing your inner child is a beautiful journey that leads to greater emotional health, self-acceptance, and fulfillment. By acknowledging and nurturing this vulnerable part of yourself, you can break free from past wounds and embrace a future filled with joy, creativity, and authentic connections. 

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