
Spirit Session

My special recipe for the best Life Path Reading you can get. Designed for people looking for guidance, validation, and help with decisions large and small, this reading is tailored specifically to you and your needs.


We’ll spend an hour together on Zoom and you’ll receive a copy of the recording, but I’ll connect with your Guides and Angels 30 minutes before so I come prepared with guidance and messages. 


Check out the video above for additional details.  


Akashic Record Reading

This 25-ish page written report details the most relevant information from your Akashic Record. If you really want to know yourself deeply, this is the reading for you. Your Soul Profile report includes:


  • Your Energy Center of Training
  • Your Soul Group of Origin
  • Your Life Lessons
  • Your Soul Trainings between lifetimes
  • Your Soul Gifts
  • Your Intuitive Gifts


Life Path Bundle

Ready for a deep dive into who you are on a soul level, paired with an hour on Zoom with me and your Spirit team? Combine a Spirit Session and an Akashic Record Reading for the ultimate launchpad for your soul.


Wanna chat before you schedule?

Send me your questions and specific concerns, and we'll go from there