How to Connect with your

Guardian Angel



Whether you’re a seasoned spiritual explorer or just beginning to spread your wings in the metaphysical realm, the journey to connecting with your guardian angel is a magical, yet accessible way to access divine guidance and unconditional love.


If you’re seeking guidance, just feeling curious, or are ready for a deeper connection to the spiritual world, I got you. I’m here to explain how to connect with your guardian angel so you can foster this divine connection.



a guardian angel holding a glowing heart


Guardian Angels are pure love.


Understanding Guardian Angels


Before embarking on the journey to connect with your guardian angel, it’s helpful to understand who these beings are. Guardian angels are believed to be divine entities assigned to guide, protect, and support us.


They are always present, though their guidance is gentle and respectful of our free will. And unlike humans, angels have no ego so you can’t offend them or make them mad.


Your guardian angel loves you unconditionally and will always be by your side no matter what. 



Cultivating the Right Mindset

    1. Openness: Approach the process with an open heart and mind. Let go of skepticism and embrace the possibility of a world beyond what we can see and touch.

    1. Intention: Set a clear intention to connect with your guardian angel. It could be for guidance, protection, or simply to feel their presence in your life.

    1. Trust: Have faith that your guardian angel is there for you, even if you can’t see or hear them in conventional ways. Trust in their guidance and the signs they send.


Practices to Connect with Your Guardian Angel

    1. Meditation: Quiet your mind and focus on your breath. In this tranquil state, invite your guardian angel to come forward. You may ask for their name or a sign of their presence.

    1. Prayer: Regardless of your religious beliefs, prayer can be a powerful way to reach out to your guardian angel. Speak from the heart, expressing your desires to connect and your willingness to receive their guidance.

    1. Journaling: Keep a dedicated journal for your experiences and communications with your guardian angel. Write down any signs, dreams, or messages you feel might be from them. Over time, you’ll begin to notice patterns and clearer guidance.

    1. Mindfulness: Be mindful of the signs your guardian angel might be sending you. These can come in various forms, such as repetitive numbers, feathers in unusual places, or a sudden, inexplicable feeling of peace and protection.

    1. Dreamwork: Before going to bed, ask your guardian angel to communicate with you in your dreams. Keep a dream journal by your bedside to record any significant dreams that might be messages from your angel.

    1. Gratitude: Gratitude is a celestial magnet. Express your gratitude for the presence and guidance of your guardian angel, even if you aren’t sure you can feel it yet. This simple yet powerful practice opens your heart wider, allowing the energy of love and support from your guardian angel to be more easily felt.

    1. Angel Cards: These cards work like oracle cards, but are specifically designed to deliver messages from your Guardian Angel. Kyle Gray makes my favorite angel card decks, and you can find one of my favorite decks here.


Signs from Your Guardian Angel


Guardian angels communicate in subtle ways, and their signs are unique to each individual. Common signs include:

    • Feathers appearing in unexpected places.

    • Repetitive numbers or sequences, often seen on clocks, license plates, or receipts.

    • Sudden warmth or a feeling of being enveloped in comfort.

    • Whispers, scents, or breezes with no apparent source, often conveying a sense of peace or nostalgia.


Embracing the Journey


Connecting with your guardian angel is a deeply personal and spiritual journey. It requires patience, openness, and a willingness to listen and observe the subtleties of the spiritual realm. Remember, the connection might not happen overnight, but with dedication and an open heart, you can develop a meaningful relationship with your guardian angel.


Kyle Gray’s book, Connecting with Angels, is a great resource if you want to dive a little deeper or get more guidance for making the connection to your guardian angel. Link here.


By integrating these practices into your daily life, you can open the channels of communication with your guardian angel, enriching your spiritual journey and experiencing the comfort and guidance they offer. Trust in the process, and let your guardian angel be a source of light and guidance in your life.

If you’d like to receive a channeled message from your Guardian Angel and learn more about them, you can schedule a Spirit Session here.


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