Creating Sacred Spaces

How to Cleanse and Sanctify Your Home

In our fast-paced world, creating a sacred space for yourself and finding a sanctuary within our homes is essential for maintaining spiritual and emotional well-being. 


What exactly is a sacred space? A sacred space is a special spot you create to nurture your spirit and find peace. It’s like your own personal sanctuary where you can meditate, pray, or just relax and reconnect with yourself. 


Making a Sacred Space


This space can be filled with things that hold meaning for you, like crystals, candles, incense, or favorite keepsakes. There is no one-size-fits-all for making a sacred space. You are the one who will be using it, so it should make you feel good. Everything you learn about, all the recommendations from others, are yours to take or leave. Follow your intuition as you create your sacred space.


The idea is to make it a place that feels calm and uplifting, helping you to focus on your spiritual growth and emotional well-being. Think of it as your go-to haven for a bit of tranquility and introspection in the midst of everyday life.


Let’s get into some more detail about how you can cleanse your home or space and make room for a sanctuary to support your energy and your spiritual journey.


Clearing the Clutter: Your First Step to Serenity


Begin by decluttering. Physical clutter can create mental chaos and block the flow of positive energy. Go through your belongings and let go of items that no longer serve you. Donate, recycle, or dispose of anything that feels like it carries negative or stagnant energy.


A clean, organized space allows for a more profound sense of peace and clarity. It is the ultimate and non-negotiable first step in creating a sacred space.


Whispering Wishes: Setting Powerful Intentions


Before you start waving wands and casting spells, it’s crucial to set your intention. Take a moment to sit quietly, close your eyes, center yourself, and breathe deeply. What do you want for your sacred space?


Whisper your intentions like a secret wish to the universe—whether it’s peace, love, abundance, or protection. Remember, your intention is the magical ingredient that makes everything work, guiding the energy flow and amplifying your efforts.


Smoke and Mirrors: Purifying with Sage & Palo Santo


Now, it’s time to banish those bad vibes with some smoky magic.


  • Sage: Light a sage bundle and let the smoke waft through each room, paying special attention to corners and areas where energy might be stagnant. As you move, visualize the smoke absorbing negativity and transforming it into positive energy. You can even call on the angels to assist you in moving out stale, stagnant, and negative energies and thank them for their help.
  • Palo Santo: Similarly, light a stick of Palo Santo and walk through your space, allowing the fragrant smoke to cleanse and uplift the energy. Palo Santo is particularly effective for creating a calm and peaceful atmosphere. It’s great for setting the stage for a meditation session. 

This is my favorite vendor for high-quality, ethically sourced sage and palo santo, especially if you go through a lot of it 


If smoke bothers you, no worries. There are other ways to cleanse the energy of your space. Sound, prayer, and the help of the angels are just some of the ways. 


I love this spray for cleansing a space when burning isn’t an option.


And if you want to burn a candle instead of sage, this is a great one.


Gem Magic: Amplifying Energy with Crystals


Crystals are natural energy amplifiers and can enhance the sacredness of your space. Here are a few suggestions:


  • Clear Quartz: Known as the master healer, it amplifies energy and intentions. You can place it with other crystals to amplify their energies, place it in the center of a room to amplify fun or loving vibes in that room, or place on your altar to amplify your intentions.
  • Amethyst: Promotes tranquility and spiritual awareness. Place it on your nightstand, maybe paired with lepidolite, for peaceful sleep and insights while you dream. It is also great for your altar or meditation spot.
  • Rose Quartz: Encourages love and harmony. Keep this in the bedroom or anywhere you could use a boost of loving energy.
  • Black Tourmaline: Offers protection and absorbs negative energy. Bury one piece at each corner of your property to ward off negativity.
  • Selenite is incredibly cleansing. You can read more about it in my blog post here.

Place these crystals in areas where you spend the most time, or create a dedicated altar with your favorite stones. 


This is my favorite place to purchase crystals online.


Aromatic Alchemy: Transforming Your Home with Scents


Scents have a profound impact on our mood and energy. Use essential oils or incense to infuse your home with aromas that support your spiritual intentions. Think about what scents would support you in creating a sacred space tailored to you.


  • Lavender: Calming and soothing, perfect for relaxation or at bedtime.
  • Frankincense: Spiritual and meditative, like a direct line to the divine.
  • Cedarwood: Grounding and purifying, like a walk in an ancient forest.
  • Sandalwood: Sacred and tranquil, perfect for meditation.

You can diffuse essential oils, burn incense sticks, or even create a room spray with your favorite blends.


I love Handcraft Blends essential oils, and you can even get a bundle with Lavender and Frankincense here.


If you need an essential oil diffuser, this one is a great choice. I have it in my bedroom.


Nature’s Embrace: Bringing the Outdoors In


Bringing nature indoors is an excellent way to enhance your sacred space. Plants, flowers, and natural materials like wood, stone, and shells can ground the energy and create a harmonious environment. Plants like peace lilies, aloe vera, and snake plants purify the air and add a vibrant, living energy to your home.


Your Personal Altar: Crafting a Corner of Calm


An altar or sacred corner serves as a focal point for your spiritual practices. Fill this space with items that hold spiritual significance to you: candles, statues, crystals, oracle cards, feathers, or photographs. Use this area for meditation, prayer, or simply as a reminder of your spiritual intentions.


Harmonious Vibes: Healing with Sound


Sound is a powerful tool for cleansing and raising the vibration of your home. Use singing bowls, chimes, bells, or even sacred music to fill your space with uplifting vibrations. Sound can break up stagnant energy and infuse your environment with a sense of peace and harmony.


And if you feel like singing or dancing along, don’t resist the urge!


Spiritual Spa Day: Regular Cleansing Rituals


To keep your space sacred, it’s important to cleanse it regularly. Develop a routine that fits your lifestyle—whether it’s weekly, monthly, or with the changing of the seasons. Regular cleansing ensures that your home remains a sanctuary of positive energy and spiritual growth.

You should now feel empowered in creating a sacred space that sings to your soul. If this article has you really inspired and you want to dive in deeper to the world of sacred spaces, Sacred Space, by Denise Linn, is the ultimate resource.

If you want a beautiful coffee table book filled with inspiration for unique and personal sacred spaces, Sacred Spaces: Everyday People and the Beautiful Homes Created Out of Their Trials, Healing, and Victories is a gorgeous choice.


Creating a sacred space in your home is a beautiful, intentional practice that fosters spiritual growth and emotional well-being, creating your own little slice of paradise. By cleansing and sanctifying your environment, you create a nurturing haven where you can reconnect with your inner self, find peace, and support on your spiritual journey.

Start today, and let your home become the sanctuary you deserve!

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