How to Use Selenite: Cleanse, Charge, Rejuvenate

Why devote an entire article on how to use selenite?


Picture this: You’re lounging in a luxurious bubble bath, surrounded by scented candles, soothing music playing in the background, and a glass of your favorite wine within arm’s reach. Sounds like the ultimate self-care scenario, right?


Well, guess what?


There’s one missing ingredient that can take your self-care game to a whole new level of zen – and that’s selenite!


selenite wand


I’m going to spill the beans on how selenite, the unsung hero of the crystal world, can elevate your self-care routine to a whole new level of relaxation and rejuvenation. Get ready to embrace the magic of selenite in your daily self-care practices. I seriously couldn’t live without it.



Energy Cleansing Meditation


For those days when you need to hit the reset button, selenite is your go-to meditation companion. Hold it in your hand or place it on your chest during meditation to cleanse and purify your energy field. You’ll emerge from your meditation feeling refreshed, balanced, and ready to tackle whatever life throws your way. I love a good palm stone for meditation.


Elevated Skincare Ritual 


Take your skincare routine up a notch by incorporating this crystal powerhouse into your daily ritual. Gently rub a selenite wand over your face in upward motions before applying your favorite skincare products. This crystal can help improve the absorption of your skincare goodies, leaving your skin looking radiant and refreshed. You’ll want to grab a smooth one like this.


Restful Sleep Aid


Say goodbye to tossing and turning at night! Place a selenite crystal under your pillow or on your bedside table to promote peaceful and restful sleep. Its calming energy will help you drift off into dreamland faster than you can say “snooze.”


Chakra Balancing Bliss 


Selenite is excellent for chakra work. Place it on each of your chakra points during a meditation session to cleanse and balance and align your energy centers. This can help you feel more grounded, centered, and in tune with your inner self.


Stress-free Office Space


If you’re working from home or have a dedicated office space, add selenite to your desk. Its energy-clearing properties can help create a calm and focused work environment, reducing stress and increasing productivity. I’m loving this lamp in my office.


Air Purification Powerhouse 


Selenite not only purifies your energy but also the air around you. Place selenite towers or chunks around your home to keep the atmosphere clean and positive. You’ll breathe easier and feel better in no time. These spiral towers are great for placing in offices and closets.


Aura Sweep 


Use a selenite wand to sweep negative or stagnant energy from your aura. Use long, sweeping motions, starting above your head and moving down to your toes. You might feel a tingling or cool sensations during the process, but you are sure to feel rejuvenated, even lighter, after the process. I love to do this every morning after I’ve burned some sage. Gift yourself one here, asap.


Crystal Charging Station


Sure, you can lug your crystals out into the moonlight or douse them with sage. But the easiest way to keep your crystals sparkly clean (energetically speaking) and charged up is to place them on a selenite charging plate or inside a selenite bowl. I love keeping my crystal bracelets inside this selenite bowl so they are always cleansed, charged, and ready to go.



Whether you’re looking to de-stress, elevate your meditation practice, or simply enhance your daily routines, selenite has got your back. It’s like having a personal spa day with Mother Nature herself. Embrace the magic of selenite, and let it transform your self-care journey into a delightful, stress-busting adventure!



selenite tower
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