5 Ways You Can Sabotage Your Intuition

Intuition sabotage gets the best of us, but with some diligence you can avoid the common pitfalls to living an intuition-led life.

Intuition is like your inner GPS, guiding you through life’s twists and turns with those gut feelings and hunches. But sometimes, we accidentally mess up our own signal!


Let’s dive into the top five ways you might be sabotaging your intuition and how to stop it.


1. Overthinking Everything


Imagine your mind is a hamster on a wheel—running non-stop, analyzing every tiny detail. Overthinking is the ultimate intuition blocker. When you get caught up in endless loops of “what ifs” and “maybes,” your inner voice gets drowned out.


Tip: Hit the pause button with mindfulness and meditation. Give your brain a break, and let those intuitive thoughts bubble up naturally.


2. Ignoring Your Body’s Signals


Your body is like an intuition antenna. Those butterflies in your stomach or the sudden chill down your spine? They’re not random—they’re your body’s way of talking to you. Ignoring these signals is like ignoring a text from your best friend.


Tip: Start tuning in to your body’s reactions. Notice how you feel physically in different situations and trust that your body knows what’s up.


3. Letting Fear Take Over


Fear is the loud, obnoxious roommate that drowns out your intuition. When you let fear run the show, you end up focusing on worst-case scenarios instead of trusting your gut feelings.


Tip: Face your fears head-on. Acknowledge them, but don’t let them drive the car. Use grounding techniques and a healthy dose of self-compassion to keep fear in check.


4. Crowdsourcing Your Every Move


We all love a good advice sesh, but constantly seeking others’ opinions can mute your own intuitive voice. When you rely too much on external input, you lose touch with what your gut is trying to tell you.


Tip: Trust yourself! Before asking others, take a moment to check in with your own feelings. Your intuition is there to guide you—give it a chance to speak up.


5. Living a Distracted Life


In our hyper-connected world, distractions are everywhere. When you’re always busy or glued to your screen, your intuition doesn’t stand a chance to get a word in edgewise.


Tip: Unplug regularly and carve out some downtime. Engage in activities that bring you back to yourself, like taking a walk in nature, doodling, or just sitting quietly.




Tuning into your intuition is like strengthening a muscle—it takes practice and a little bit of TLC. By recognizing and tackling these common intuition blockers, you can clear the path for your inner wisdom to shine through.


So, next time you feel a nudge from within, trust it. Your intuition has your back!


If you want to learn more about connecting with your Higher Self and harness the power of your intuition, you can get my free guide here.

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5 Ways You Can Sabotage Your Intuition

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